Batch Balanced muffins began in our home as a way to feed our family highly nutritious food that is easy to make and tastes good without refined grains and added sugar. 

Years ago, my health inexplicably began to deteriorate and I was on a path to being diagnosed with an autoimmune disorder. I was determined to find an alternative solution and began researching holistic paths that may provide a return to health. I found that cutting refined grains and sugar and eating clean was a key component to helping my body restore health and function. 

Shortly thereafter I began focusing on balancing macronutrients to maximize muscle gain, energy and weight maintenance. I started doing nutritional consulting with a local program that taught people how and what to eat as part of a lifestyle. It became apparent that eating healthy isn’t very convenient and that many of the foods labeled as healthy aren’t actually very healthy at all. I sought out to change that so I began creating recipes that gave me the right macronutrients without the refined grains that fit my standards.  I began experimenting and developed what is now batch balanced muffins.  

My husband, Jon, and I would soon welcome our 2 daughters in the next 15 months. Feeding them clean, healthy and well-balanced meals without the use of refined grains was very important to us. Our muffins were an easy and convenient meal/snack while on the go for us to feed our children and beat any ready to eat snack we could buy at the market. As these muffins became a staple in our own home and grew in popularity with family and friends, I began to make larger quantities of batches that I froze and thawed as needed to make the weekly meal prepping process more efficient.  

Most people know the difference between healthy and unhealthy food but not everyone knows the importance of combining protein, carbs and fats. Eating meals with the proper ratio of macronutrients maximizes metabolism, stabilizes blood sugar, increases muscle, burns fat and elevates energy levels. Cutting sugar from the diet can benefit everybody. If you’re looking to lose weight, gain muscle, maintain a healthy lifestyle or provide healthy meals and snacks for your family that they will love and is not loaded with sugar, these are for you.  

Batch balanced muffins were created because we wanted to make it easier to prepare and eat healthy food. We know healthy options create healthy choices and healthy choices create healthy habits. My family and friends have loved Batch Balanced muffins for years and we hope you love them too!